This blog is dedicated to my attempt to run at least three miles a day for 366 consecutive days in 2012. This is a challenge that I have set myself which I really don't know if I will be able to complete. Still, if I don't start somewhere I will never find out. Time will tell.
Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton
Monday, 29 October 2012
The Magic run
Day 303 Monday 29th October 10.5 miles : miles to date 1986
Top tip for pre run nutrition. That great British traditional meal of next day left over chicken Tikka Massala does not fuel a quicker pace run two hours after consumption. I am still on my hols and my eating habits have just gone out the window and despite running every day, I am a wee bit worried that I have lost a bit of fitness since Chester.
As a result I thought I might just chuck in a 10 miler at marathon pace just to make sure I haven't slipped back too far. I set off on what was in the end quite an undulating and at times uneven road run, puffing a little too much for comfort at the start. I wound out of the village and headed off to the next one, where I climbed steadily out for a good mile and a half trying to keep an even pace as I did so. I was puffing towards the end of the first long steady incline and was a tad surprised to be under seven minute mile pace. Still, what go's up must come down and I found myself putting the foot down through the next section before heading into town to fight the cars and commuters.
And then it came back. Bang. The magic ingredient re-appeared. I started racing commuters stuck in their mobile death traps, imagining that I could beat them home over the last three miles. I picked up the pace and kept it going for most of the last section. That did mean that I whizzed past another runner en route which made me feel a tad guilty as I wasn't trying to race him. I was just back in the game and boy did it feeellll good.
Well I say feel good, I averaged the first ten miles at 6.47 mile pace which was fine, but I was too tired and puffy for comfort at the end. I have lost some fitness since Chester, but a couple of decent weeks worth of effort should hopefully sort that out. Fingers crossed.
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