Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Saturday, 25 February 2012

Day 56 of the 366 days running challenge. 20 miles. Miles to date 329

Another cracking Saturday run cross country with yet another SMC record turnout of 22. The weather was distinctly warmer than the -10 of a few weeks ago, which caused a rash of lilly white legs to appear, clashing violently with the riot of coloured clothing on view. It was as if Sweatshop had had a closing down sale and you got a bargain, but only in the colours no one else wanted. I added to the mix with my Welsh dragon vest, worn in anticipation of beating the sassenachs in the six nations ( which we duly did). Satnav Jones hi-jacked the route plan early doors, taking us of piste a number of times. It was a bit of a concern that he had to look at his map so often, but the boy done good in the end bringing the final five in for a spot on twenty. On the way, we had a few drop off points for peeps doing a variety of distances, with a number of new faces joining us hopefully for the first of many longer runs. It looks to me as though everyone did more or less what they wanted in terms of mileage and hopefully all the new bods enjoyed the countryside as much as the seasoned distance crew. Or the old blokes as we are otherwise known. I cant tell you where we went, cos I don't really know for sure, which is rare for me. 
 We were out for a long time, which meant I had no clean clothes or time to change before going straight to an athletics training workshop, which required me to do lots of dynamic stretching exercises, which I can tell you are not best done after a twenty miler and having stiffened up in the car. At least I dropped mud all over their inside track in revenge. Mind you,  I then felt bad and picked it all up. Mmm, smelt a bit when I got home, 7 hours after leaving it. Still, 14 hours rest before the next run. Loads of time...

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