Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Day 249 Wednesday 5th September 8.3 miles : miles to date 1652 I was joined tonight for another eight miler at seven thirty mile pace by the fab four. Not the Beatles of course, but Satnav Jones, Silver Surfer, Flying Scotsman and Martin Beare. Mmmm, now given the first three sound like super heroes from a DC comic, I think the last one needs a nickname. We met the the Beare in the woods, so I googled a few options along those lines. It appears there are a variety of Bear related names with meanings, including the following;- 1. Bear - a police officer 2. Baby Bear - a rookie officer 3. Bear in the air - police helicopter 4. Bear cave - police station 5. Care Bear - police in a construction zone 6. Bear in the grass - speed trap 7. Bear in a plain brown wrapper - officer in unmarked cars Now being the law abiding type that the Bearmeister is - by gadooks, I think that's it - I am sure he wouldn't mind being mistaken for a law enforcement officer. Mind you, the way he took off and left us tonight halfway through the run, the Speed Beare might be better. It seems that an average 7.22 minute mile pace wasn't quick enough for the whippet. Oi, Bearemeister who do you think you are, an international Great Britain triathlete or something? Oh, yep come to think of it you are. I think I'll just call him awesome.

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