Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Day 101 Tuesday 10th April 6.2 miles : miles to date 677.2 After the weekends long runs and the over indulgences of Easter, I felt tired and unfit as I drove to the normal club session. Tonight's plan was a series of five efforts around an undulating, sandy trail in a local small wood. We use this quite a lot as a club and the loop provides a decent route for a slightly longer effort. I was content to just hang onto the lads tonight and not try to push the pace, which was just as well given I panted away like a bloke possessed for most of them. Still, after running a 29 mile marathon on Saturday and a half on Sunday, I was surprised to be able to get the legs turning over quickly even if the efforts hurt! Another unexpected side effect of running every day, manifested itself today with the water bill, which has gone up by £50 since the last one. It appears that before this little adventure I was smelly, showering every other day or so. I now shower every day and the washing machine appears to be on the go all the time, albeit I'm not entirely sure that my extra daily t-shirt and socks is entirely to blame. I also suspect that the next expense is going to involve me having to chuck most of my long sleeve running tops out, as I am using them so much that despite Fi's best efforts (I once got the washing machine mixed up with the tumble dryer when she asked me to turn it on), two minutes into a new run they pong enough to alert pedestrians I am approaching from some distance away

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