Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Monday, 2 April 2012

Day 93 Monday 2nd April 3 miles: miles to date 608.1 Some help needed. I spent the first mile thinking of songs with Monday in them and found myself humming along to the immortal Boomtown Rats. The trouble with that song is essentially the main line is '' I don't like Mondays, oooohhh, I want to shoot them all down'', which is hardly motivational. I switched to "Monday, Monday, so good to me" but then couldn't think of the rest of the song and repeated that line over and over. So, for future Monday run's, some suggested Monday songs that I can sing along to in my head needed please. As for the run, I just wanted to do the basic three miles. I didn't mean to run faster, but again found that I was settling into around a 7.30 mile pace without really trying to which was quite nice. I seem to be banging out my basic three miles somewhere between 22 and 23 minutes which is making me consider entering a 5k race to see if I could perhaps break 20 mins. Hang on, me only run three miles in a race? I normally run at least that to get to the start. Don't worry, the moments passed.

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