Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Was that a marathon pace run? Mmm, no.

Day 116 Wednesday 25th April 5.1 miles : miles to date 765.1 I am a little concerned that today's news of a double dip recession has been caused by my substantial reduction in the use of vaseline which has led to a drop in sale's and by extension manufacturing. It seems I have lost a bit of weight with this running lark and my former Ernie Wise legs, are slightly less fat, albeit they are still short and hairy. As a result, I don't need quite need as much friction prevention in the nether reasons. It seems the increased water bill charges have been off set by this saving. As for tonight's run, I thought I would try to run 5 miles at marathon pace around the forest centre. I set off trying to find an 8 minute mile pace and then ran past another runner going in the opposite direction looking good. Grrrr. I cant help myself at times. I decided to pick up the pace so that when I went past him at the halfway point of the loop I was at least level and having done so, I pushed it on whilst telling myself to stop being a numpty and slow down. I ended up averaging 7 minutes 29 seconds, which at least told me I am not fit enough to run at that pace all the way on Sunday and to stick to a rough 3.30 plan, but not be too worried if I slip down to 3.45. I keep on trying to convince myself its a training run for next months ultra, so maybe a blow out at 18 miles this weekend is what I need??

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