Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Day 98 Saturday 7th April 28.9 miles: miles to date 654.9

I ran the Bedford Clanger 28 mile race today and managed to grab third place. This was only meant to be a longer training run in a race only two miles from home. I was not intending to do anything too hard and as soon as I found myself at the front at the start, I decided to slow down and let a few people get ahead. Within the first mile I knew that the pace that I average on training runs meant that unless I went with the front group, I was going to spend the next 27 miles navigating on my own across country on what was a mostly undulating route in the first 19 miles at least. There were no maps and we were only given the instructions when we signed in. Given I was still in bed an hour before the start and arrived with about twelve minutes to go, its not surprising I got lost later.
The first nine or ten miles flew by. The route went close to home and it was really nice to see one of the only two spectators for the entire event on the course, which was Fi and our border terrier, Daisy. Me, 4th and 5th carried on until mile twelve, having allowed 1-3 to get out of sight, when disaster hit. Ok, that's maybe too strong a word. A minor hiccup occurred as we just took the wrong path and ran into a housing estate instead of across the fields. We ran around the estate having been pointed in the right direction before hitting a large metal fence that barred our return to the mud. After an extra mile and about 14 minutes trying to work out what to do, we had to scale it which caused a bit of a groin tweek, which fortunately subsided. We had been overtaken and worked hard as a three to catch and in turn pass a group of about five peeps.
We pressed on and by the time we reached the 19 mile checkpoint there was another gap. Fi, Daisy and my lad Jimbo suddenly appeared and they were a very welcome sight. They told us we were back to 4-6th, which made me decide to press the gas a bit as the route turned to man made trail and eventually concrete paths as we ran through Bedford town.
I had tried to drop 5th and 6th with a quick mile, but realised it was still a way to go and slowed. At the 24 mile mark, we caught no.3 and that was it. Race back on. I tried to push and slowly we began to get strung out. We regrouped at the final check as I needed a drink, but after that I was determined to bag third place and ran the last three miles on my own very hard, covering them quicker than any other at around a 6.50-7 minute mile pace.
I didn't look around once in those miles as I figured if anyone else wanted it, they would have to go past me and I was in the mood for some pain!! That having been said, the finish was very welcome and I was around three minutes ahead of number four. It was bitter sweet as without those lost 14 minutes, I might have been closer to No.2 at the end, but heck third's fine and the beer tastes just as sweet right now.
Time for a post race curry and bottle of red, which indicates Sundays run is likely to be a late morning affair with Fi, who even came to the end of the race which was wonderful, especially as she was the only spectator there as well!!!!

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