Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Day 154 Saturday 2nd June 3.8 miles : miles to date 1047.2 After the JB last weekend, I have decided to throttle it back for a few weeks and keep the run's short. I think that after a run that you have been preparing for perhaps a few months, once it's done it's important to have a period when you just run for the love of running with no pressure of training for an event. You need to let the body recover and as importantly the mind as well. In order to do well in a race or challenge, it's not only about training the body but also the mind. To stop both getting stale, I am intentionally running low mileage runs and limited speed work both this week and the next. I am keeping the watch on to measure the distance, but trying not to look at the pace or time too much. It doesn't always work but tonight it did. I ran the usual village loop with a bit extra added on and just kept a steady even pace all the way. The legs are still tired and I'm not panicking over the beer belly I seem to have encouraged in the last week despite running every day. The Voldemort training schedule starts on the 18th June for the second half of the years plans, which in short is PB smashing every where. I can see quite an intense 16 week period after that, so until then it's a laid back Pablo enjoying a few leisurely runs and beers after. Talking of which, its that time me thinks.

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