Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Friday, 15 June 2012

Day 167 Friday 15th June 5.5 miles : miles to date 1121.9 Facebook at last came in useful today, for something other than my normal inane waffling. An unexpected early finish in a court case, opened the door to a mid afternoon cross country run before I took up my position tonight as chief marshal at my clubs annual 5k. I binged a quick message out on FB saying I will be in the woods - again - and did anyone want to join me. Given it was mid afternoon, I expected no one and to my surprise Philip Horan turned up. I was both happy and apprehensive, as Phil has had more injuries in the last two months than most of the club put together. A planned 5 mile run, meant I had to take my phone with me in case of another one, as well as a defibrillator, nose guard and sterile surgical equipment. Well, I might have exaggerated a tad, but the lad has had too many injuries of late and it was great to see him on the way back. We had a great amble around the woods on a meandering trail route. Despite living so close, he hadn't tried the trails and hopefully enjoyed the route. We did come across a field of sheep and despite the normal jibes being directed at me as I am Welsh, it was Phil who set off in chase of them. Luckily for me, I had my camera and was able to capture the moment for posterity. Ladies and Gentleman, the camera never lies and I have the picture to prove it. Is there any remote possibility that from now on, the moment we enter another sheep filled field, that its no longer a race to see who can get the sheep loving/Welsh comments in first directed at me? Nope, thought not.

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