Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Friday, 29 June 2012

Day 180 Thursday 28th June 3 miles : miles to date 1188.5

Gareth the Groin - it has to be Gareth, I'm Welsh and objectively one of the greatest ever rugby players was Gareth Edwards - was slightly more subdued tonight. I pulled into my normal stop off in Clophill lay-by and tried to avoid the other gentlemen that wanted to make me a friend. I have long been annoyed that the parking area is not th
e best place to strip off and put the kit on, whilst also knowing that there are so many fantastic trail runs to shoot off on. So, in simple terms I don't give in and just enjoy the multitude of trails that flow from there.
Gareth meant that I had to run very, very slow. As it happens, off I went into the trails and almost instantly chilled out and just enjoyed the isolation. I wasn't running hard and whilst a big part of me was keen to accelerate, the old sensible bloke in me kept me to a "lets just do a sensible run", which I did. Three miles and bang on the nail I stopped.
I was advised to ice. The outlwas are down to stay and the only ice that subsequently flowed after the run went into a G&T. Still, after three large one's I now feel great!

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