Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Day 158 Wednesday 6th June 3 miles : miles to date 1066.7

I have over the last 158 days found a number of spot on three mile runs. The standard run from home is a specific loop around my village. Another is a run from the train station to my place. Quite literally both runs are almost spot on three miles. They are in fact ever so slightly over, but unless I get to 3.1, they are recorded as three miles. I don't round up. If I run 3.09 miles, it is recorded as 3 miles, albeit in practise most of the time once I go past I will run to the next single digit. And no, I don't have some form of compulsive repetitive disorder. Unless you count the need to run three miles every day for a year.
That is of course my minimum daily run for this year long running streak. So, if anyone ever bothers to check the run history and finds an unusual number of three mile runs, take it from me that these are not rounded up say from 2.66, they are spot on three mile runs. Tonight was another spot on three miler, accompanied by the kings of easy dad rock, none other than Status Quo on the i-pod long play thingy machine. The music at least ensured I went back to my few weeks of low level easy running.
Before Voldemort training starts. Come to think of it, this is V -13 day. Mmmmm. Soon it will begin.

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