Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Petzl time

Day 343 Saturday 8th December 4 miles : miles to date 2280.4 Tonight's run was delayed due in part to Fi and in part to me. Last nights sumptuous repast and vino fest with Satnav and Mrs. Jones (there's a song in there somewhere), left its imprint on the old grey matter. I sat around all afternoon hoping not to be noticed and just not wanting to run. It wasn't just the vino. I have had sore calf's since Tuesday's speed session, due I suspect to hammering it on the road, in my go fast daps. I also feel physically tired, so all in all both mind and body were just not in the game. I eventually laced up the go slightly less fast daps and tried to leave. At this point, I had to take my jacket off as Fi somehow managed to get her hair stuck in my head torch and was in some pain. I rushed out to the kitchen to get an essential bit of kit to help. My camera, although it was difficult to hold it steady as I was laughing so much. As for the run, I eventually did a slow and slightly longer than normal run around the village which took over forty minutes, shock horror (granted I did nip into Budgens - other supermarkets are available). I'm now tired, a little puffy and totally not looking forward to Bedford Half in the morning. Right now, I'm lacking any ambition to try to run it fast, which is possibly due to my focus being almost solely on reaching 2500 miles by the end of the year. Just under 220 miles to cover in the next 23 days. Guess I had better pull the finger out, run Bedford slowly and put in a few extra miles after. Probably.

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