Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Day 192 Tuesday 10th July 3.7 miles : miles to date 1254.1

Mmm. The schedule had me down for another lung buster, but life got in the way. An unexpected emergency court case mid afternoon meant my planned solo track session before my club coaching duties, went out the window. As did my coaching duties as the case rumbled on.
A combination of constant work and not having eaten a thing for eleven hours, meant that when I eventually went out for a run on the way home, it was with lethargic legs. I tried to compensate with a run in a new area, realising that I have become an expert in completely stripping off in the front of a car, with lots of traffic zipping past. Shirt first, with shoes blocking the dashboard,t-shirt on and then trousers and Y fronts off, as I dangle born free and then shorts on. Keep the same M&S socks on. Job done.
But here's the rub. Within a quarter of a mile I knew I was done and even Leo Sayer with his Orchard Road song track - I don't apologise for my mid life song choices, cos I am mid life - couldn't hide the fact that I was out of fuel and no matter what the mind wanted to do, the body couldn't. And then something brilliant happened. I ran faster. I was just done, no energy, no food, no water and uncomfortable. So, I just ran faster to get it over and as I ran faster, I found more energy and I could have gone further. The only reason I stopped in the end was a mixture of the visiting in laws, very heavy rain at the end and the fact that I knew the family were waiting for me to actually eat dinner. And a few G&T's. Slimline tonic of course.

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