Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Day 220 Tuesday 7th August 3 miles : miles to date 1435.6 As it's my daughters birthday today, the schedule and club run went out the window. I thought I might get a session in mid afternoon until I was dragged off to MK for a bit of retail therapy. Whilst doing so I popped into WH Smith and bought a copy of Julys Trail Running magazine, who had published a small letter and picture I had sent in about the club's John Bunyan 82 mile trail ultra back in May. On return home, the Olympics took over and given a tweek in my calf, I stuck to a slower spot on three miles, in around a seven thirty five mile pace. Despite the legs still being tired, the belly being very wobbly and a real need to get back on track with the training, it is still quite heartening to know that I can bang out a comfortable 5k in under twenty three minutes despite feeling very portly. I am a little worried though that I have dropped a few scheduled runs and really do need to get back on track.

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