Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Thursday 30 August 2012


Day 243 Thursday 30th August 3 miles : miles to date 1607.6 Grrrrr. After a very long day at work, which included nearly five hours in the car, I just could not get out to do the scheduled twelve miler or anything for that matter until gone 11 pm tonight. I watched the clock all night, my energy levels dropping. I hadn't totally discounted a late longer run but within a quarter of a mile I knew it was a non starter. I was due to run sub seven minute mile pace and as the street lights stopped and my head torch beam was so weak it touched the floor, that was it. I had trouble seeing where my foot was landing even with a full moon and it was apparent I would risk injury going full pelt. There was just no point in logging slow empty miles so for once I cut my losses and headed home, running my normal village three mile loop instead. I am a bit annoyed at missing the run, as I really need to get a few more 12 milers in at a quicker pace. I cant do it Friday instead, as I intend to do a twenty on Saturday and two hard longer runs back to back, wont fit. In ultra training mode, that would have been fine but in this brave new world - now that rings a bell fro some reason - I am trying to change vast miles, for half the distance at a much quicker pace. I also didn't fancy coming home at well past midnight, dripping with sweat and waking the household up. Grrrr.

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