This blog is dedicated to my attempt to run at least three miles a day for 366 consecutive days in 2012. This is a challenge that I have set myself which I really don't know if I will be able to complete. Still, if I don't start somewhere I will never find out. Time will tell.
Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton
Friday, 31 August 2012
Yipppeee 2/3rds in!!
Day 244 Friday 31st August 3.8 miles : miles to date 1611.4
Today is exactly 2/3 thirds into this current leap year, with 244 consecutive runs in a row. I am trying hard not to blow my own trumpet - no jokes please, I've just run through them all and this is family viewing - but 244 consecutive runs suddenly seems a lot for some reason. The majority have been good experiences although inevitably there have been a few what's the point in this type. Fortunately those days have been a lot less than I thought they might be especially by now, so on the whole I'm a happy chappy.
Having said that, I wouldn't have run tonight if it wasn't for the streak. I had to pull over on the way home when I knew a lovely big bag of fish and chips would be ready and waiting. As a result I set off too quickly just to get it done before slowing. I tried out the new Guns and Roses long player. Well I say new. It was new in the nineties when it first came out, but it was another one of my £2 purchases so who cares and lets get ready to rock.
As I was mentally working the crowd into a frenzy in my mind with Axle Rose on back up vocals, I was flagged down by two young ladies bounding around the forest centre doing their own thing. I was ready to give them an autograph and then recalled that I wasn't actually singing with G&R's and they weren't groupies. Still, it was great to catch up with Lorraine and Katie Ruditis who is starting her training programme for the GNR, in er, two weeks. The way she has been hammering out the shorter runs, should still be a breeze for her.
The fish and chips were worth the wait, although a glass of the red stuff would have been nice. Mind you got on the scales today for first time in ages and I'm spot on 12 stone. At 5 foot eight..and a half... I'm still classed as over weight on the BMI charts???? Its enough to drive a man to drink.
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