This blog is dedicated to my attempt to run at least three miles a day for 366 consecutive days in 2012. This is a challenge that I have set myself which I really don't know if I will be able to complete. Still, if I don't start somewhere I will never find out. Time will tell.
Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Curry sauce anyone?
Day 152 Thursday 31st May 3 miles : miles to date 1039.3
Tonights three miler had me under some time pressure. As a result of having to go to a late meeting and not being able to run at lunchtime, I was potentially going to be late for my usual Thursday night game of cards if I ran and stopped for food. As I drove home, I devised a cunning plan. I would race the chinese take away chef and see who could get there first, me with a faster 3 miles or him with, er, a bag of chips and curry sauce. Well, ok I figured out that the straight forward food order wouldn't take that long, so I popped in, told them I would be back in 25 minutes or less and shot out the door and up the road. The food collection, run finish time and card starting time all coincided so I could not afford to be late or meander. I went straight up the road in front of the take away and at 1.5 miles turned around and came back, ran into the shop, hot and sweaty, grabbed my food order to the amusement of other partakers of the fine food and was out of there. The card venue was a matter of minutes away, although I am not sure what cheesed off the chaps the most, me smelling and looking somewhat sweaty or the plate of chips and curry sauce they had to smell as the first hand was dealt. And I had covered the chips in curry with only one fork so they weren't able to pinch any. Not planned, but mean none the less!
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Day 151 Wednesday 30th May 3 miles : miles to date 1036.3
I have not long finished running through what felt like a squadron of samurai squirrels in the Ashridge Estate. On a low level three mile run, I must have easily encountered at least 25-30 of the blighter's, most of whom didn't move until I got within 10 feet of them. They sort of stood and stared in a kind of come and have a go if you think your hard enough type of way. I thought for a moment that perhaps I was on a big ultra and that I was hallucinating, before recalling that I had been running for minutes and not days. Being a bit of an expert in spending time in the woods, I know a thing or two about squirrels having raced after one or two in my time. I have never encountered so many hard nuts in such a short space of time. At one point, I ran into a group of five and they just would not scatter until I was practically kicking them over.
Even then, they just hid behind a tree and didn't rush off. At around the two mile mark, I could swear that I could hear a lot of rustling in the shrubbery and became a tad worried that they were ganging together to take me and cart me off to their secret samurai squirrel village. Extreme I know, but I did actually look behind me to see if I was being chased by some. Not long after, my mind wandered and I started to envisage running around a bend into the outstretched hands of the king giant squirrel, who shove me under his armpit and then into the pot. Whilst I know of course that wasn't going to happen, I really did spend some time imagining what I would do if I were confronted by a 10 foot squirrel closing in for the kill. Barking, but true. I suspect my mind was going into overtime to take me away from the fact that my legs are still tired after the JB ultra at the weekend and the dafter the thought, the easier the run. I can tell you for free, I have some very daft thoughts when I'm off with the fairies at times, which are great!
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Day 150 Tuesday 29th May 4 miles : miles to date 1033.3
A club session was always going to make tonight's run a whole lot easier and it did. I didn't even attempt to run the session itself at full pelt, or even half pelt, as a combination of a lot of running and a lot of food/vino/beer over the last few days has taken its toll on the body. Still, the good news is that after the JB run, it only looks as though I will lose one toenail this time although that's not yet guaranteed. After the last big one, I lost four toenails, so anything less is a bonus!
A club session was always going to make tonight's run a whole lot easier and it did. I didn't even attempt to run the session itself at full pelt, or even half pelt, as a combination of a lot of running and a lot of food/vino/beer over the last few days has taken its toll on the body. Still, the good news is that after the JB run, it only looks as though I will lose one toenail this time although that's not yet guaranteed. After the last big one, I lost four toenails, so anything less is a bonus!
Monday, 28 May 2012
Day 149 Monday 28th May 3 miles : miles to date 1029.3
Ah, DOMS. Don't you just love em? I had thought that the day after the JB trail run would be the worst of the year. Today's bad boy was challenging for the title, as the legs were stiffer than yesterday, I was dehydrated after last nights vino and meat fest and in truth just tired. I know its only 3 miles and in normal circumstances I would just knock it out, but the body and the mind are just not in the game today. Luckily, from experience I knew this would happen before it did and I was expecting a bit of a shut down. As a result, I also know that if I jack this running every day lark in for the sake of a few bad days, in a few weeks I will be gutted and kicking myself. So, the only answer is of course to get out there and grind out a few painful miles until the head and the body are ready to get back in the game. It may take a week or possibly more, so if you know me and see me out there running with my head down and grimacing, you have my permission to give me a boot up the backside, metaphorically speaking of course!
Days 146 - 148
Day's 146 & 147 Friday 25th and Saturday 26th May circa 82 miles : miles to date 1023.3
After some months in planning, the inaugural John Bunyan ultra trail run arrived with a bang. This was such an awesome event, it is impossible to set out all the highs and lows in this short blog, so lots of pictures and details will follow later in the week on my blog.
Day 148 Sunday 26th May 3 miles : miles to date 1026.3
This was always going to be one of the toughest run's of the year, or so I thought. After the last two hundred plus mile races I have not been able to walk the next day, let alone run. Since I came up with the idea of running all the John Bunyan trail, I have had one eye firmly fixed on today's run. Indeed, after yesterdays ultra, so many peeps at the running club asked how many miles I was going to have to run today, I think it was on a lot of other minds as well.
I was more than a tad stiff in most of my joints this morning, so an early run was shelved in favour of a trip to Tescos to purchase 40 cans of Bud, 6 Crabbies, 6 ciders and a bottle of gin. Having done so, the thought of a few very cold beers whilst sitting in the sun in the garden pushed me out of the door for a short run around the standard village loop. I was quite prepared for a slow and ponderous plod and for the first mile or so, it was the end of JB all over again. After that, the soreness in my feet eased and I was able to pick the pace up again, finishing in 25:37. Not a world record beating time I know, but if you asked me on Friday before the JB I would have taken 50 mins. So, one very happy chappy is off for a shower and several beverages.
After some months in planning, the inaugural John Bunyan ultra trail run arrived with a bang. This was such an awesome event, it is impossible to set out all the highs and lows in this short blog, so lots of pictures and details will follow later in the week on my blog.
Day 148 Sunday 26th May 3 miles : miles to date 1026.3
This was always going to be one of the toughest run's of the year, or so I thought. After the last two hundred plus mile races I have not been able to walk the next day, let alone run. Since I came up with the idea of running all the John Bunyan trail, I have had one eye firmly fixed on today's run. Indeed, after yesterdays ultra, so many peeps at the running club asked how many miles I was going to have to run today, I think it was on a lot of other minds as well.
I was more than a tad stiff in most of my joints this morning, so an early run was shelved in favour of a trip to Tescos to purchase 40 cans of Bud, 6 Crabbies, 6 ciders and a bottle of gin. Having done so, the thought of a few very cold beers whilst sitting in the sun in the garden pushed me out of the door for a short run around the standard village loop. I was quite prepared for a slow and ponderous plod and for the first mile or so, it was the end of JB all over again. After that, the soreness in my feet eased and I was able to pick the pace up again, finishing in 25:37. Not a world record beating time I know, but if you asked me on Friday before the JB I would have taken 50 mins. So, one very happy chappy is off for a shower and several beverages.
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Day 145 Thursday 24th May 3 miles : miles to date 941.3
Whats the best preparation for quite a long ultra the day before? How about a very slow three mile run on one of the hottest evenings of the year? No, I don't think so as well. A slow plod was followed by a very large bag of chips and lovely wrap. At least this mad ultra malarkey means I get to eat mountains. Just need a beer to help it slip down. Unfortunately, I have to wait until 6.37pm on Saturday by my calculation, taking into account estimated finish time, laying on the floor and not moving, attempting to stand, a blooming hill I know we need to walk up and bar wait. Oops, best make that 6.39pm. Less than two days to a beer, yippeeee.
Whats the best preparation for quite a long ultra the day before? How about a very slow three mile run on one of the hottest evenings of the year? No, I don't think so as well. A slow plod was followed by a very large bag of chips and lovely wrap. At least this mad ultra malarkey means I get to eat mountains. Just need a beer to help it slip down. Unfortunately, I have to wait until 6.37pm on Saturday by my calculation, taking into account estimated finish time, laying on the floor and not moving, attempting to stand, a blooming hill I know we need to walk up and bar wait. Oops, best make that 6.39pm. Less than two days to a beer, yippeeee.
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
An ultra checklist
Day 144 Wednesday 23rd May 3 miles : miles to date 938.3
I watched the clock tonight, ticking ever so slowly around to 3 miles. It seemed to take forever, due I suspect to the snails pace I ran. Just gathering my stuff to pack for JB ultra. So far, I have got;-
1. Headtorch
2. 8 Ibruprofen
3. Toilet roll
4. Fruit loaf
5. Camera
6. Banana boat suncream
7. Chocolate coffee beans
8. Yoghurt raisins
9. Maps
10. Money
11. Vaseline
12. Spare socks, shorts, tops etc
13. First aid kit
14. Phone
15. Water
16. Compass
17. Phone list
18. I-pod
19. Buff
20. Waterproof
21. Shades
22. Vest
23. Mug
Couple of questions. Firstly, have I forgotten anything (self navigating, non race, 24 hour ultra)? Secondly, how on earth I am going to lift my rucksack with all that lot in it? I got stuck once at 2am in an ultra socked to the skin and freezing in Scotland in skimpy shorts, running top and lightweight jacket. I ain't going to make that mistake again!
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Day 143 Tuesday 22nd May 4.1 miles : miles to date 935.3
It was very easy to do the basic miles tonight, as the club met for a change in Rowney Warren woods. The place is such a lovely area to run, the miles slipped by in a blink. I didn't run the session hard, due to John Bunyan being less than three days away now.
Mind you, my fellow JB runner Paul Barton, puts me to shame. We were talking earlier about bag drops and what he wanted to eat around a quarter of the way into what is going to be at least a 78 mile run. He was planing to run a 6 mile race tonight, couldn't drop his bag off Wednesday as he plays darts and is likely to have a fair few beers, he is going to go training on Thursday and wants Pie and Chips at the 4 hour mark of the run on Friday. The blokes a legend. All hail Mr. Barton.
Monday, 21 May 2012
More water works
Day 142 Monday 21st May 3.4 miles : miles to date 931.2
Second day in my new office and time to break them into what to expect from me for the future. I donned the gear at lunchtime and went for a quick spin along the Grand Union Canal, which is about 400 metres from the front door. I had bought an Ordinace Survey Explorer map at the weekend and spent sometime this morning looking at all the options, which are many. Actually I think me and Fi have got a bit of a thing about map's, as she bought herself one as well for the area in which her 10k race was run, despite it being signposted and marshalled all the way. I have even just paused to check something else on my new map, as I am writing so much about them.
It makes a major change to be able to get away from cars and people within such a short distance. Leaving Luton, it would take a number of miles to do so, dodgeing car's on the way. That having been said, I have been known to race a bus or two into work which I might miss, eventually. Trouble with canal boats, is that you can wait for age's and then three will come along at the same time.
I found myself running too fast along the canal on what are still tired legs. The JB trail run is this Friday and I need to re-charge the body somehow. The trouble with running every day, is of course I have no time to recover. I can only do the next best thing, which is cut the miles and speed down. Hopefully, with a few days of hearty eating I should be ready.
The JB run promises to be great fun. It is not a race, time doesn't mean a thing and lot's of peeps from the club are going to come out and join us. I still can't quite believe that six hardy souls are going to start running with us at 2am. Fingers crossed for warm weather and a stunning sunrise.
Second day in my new office and time to break them into what to expect from me for the future. I donned the gear at lunchtime and went for a quick spin along the Grand Union Canal, which is about 400 metres from the front door. I had bought an Ordinace Survey Explorer map at the weekend and spent sometime this morning looking at all the options, which are many. Actually I think me and Fi have got a bit of a thing about map's, as she bought herself one as well for the area in which her 10k race was run, despite it being signposted and marshalled all the way. I have even just paused to check something else on my new map, as I am writing so much about them.
It makes a major change to be able to get away from cars and people within such a short distance. Leaving Luton, it would take a number of miles to do so, dodgeing car's on the way. That having been said, I have been known to race a bus or two into work which I might miss, eventually. Trouble with canal boats, is that you can wait for age's and then three will come along at the same time.
I found myself running too fast along the canal on what are still tired legs. The JB trail run is this Friday and I need to re-charge the body somehow. The trouble with running every day, is of course I have no time to recover. I can only do the next best thing, which is cut the miles and speed down. Hopefully, with a few days of hearty eating I should be ready.
The JB run promises to be great fun. It is not a race, time doesn't mean a thing and lot's of peeps from the club are going to come out and join us. I still can't quite believe that six hardy souls are going to start running with us at 2am. Fingers crossed for warm weather and a stunning sunrise.
Sunday, 20 May 2012
Day 141 Sunday 20th May 3.5 miles : miles to date 927.8
The early part of today was spent at a race where for once I was supporting and not running. I hardly ever do that and it was really quite nice pitching up with no pressure and the only decision being whether to have a bacon sandwich with my cuppa or a muffin. I was very happy to support Fi and our friend Emma Else on what turned out to be a hilly 10k around Wimpole Hall estate. Emma had a cracking run in her first ever race and Fi also stormed home in an unexpected but very welcome PB. It was fun watching all the runners come in and a great morning out.
There were around 440 odd runners, the majority of which were non club members judging by the sparsity of vests and the assortment of running gear on show. I thought that might mean less pressure for the ladies, but of course whom ever was at the very front, meant little to them as they would have battled away for a good time regardless.
As for me, as Daisy did so well yesterday, I took her out again today for our run. Bit of a mistake, which is self evident from the fact that as I sit here typing, she's laying next to me snoring her head off. Drat, just realised that's another thing we share that could have gone on yesterday's list.
So you can sleep tonight, I plumped for a bacon buttie.
The early part of today was spent at a race where for once I was supporting and not running. I hardly ever do that and it was really quite nice pitching up with no pressure and the only decision being whether to have a bacon sandwich with my cuppa or a muffin. I was very happy to support Fi and our friend Emma Else on what turned out to be a hilly 10k around Wimpole Hall estate. Emma had a cracking run in her first ever race and Fi also stormed home in an unexpected but very welcome PB. It was fun watching all the runners come in and a great morning out.
There were around 440 odd runners, the majority of which were non club members judging by the sparsity of vests and the assortment of running gear on show. I thought that might mean less pressure for the ladies, but of course whom ever was at the very front, meant little to them as they would have battled away for a good time regardless.
As for me, as Daisy did so well yesterday, I took her out again today for our run. Bit of a mistake, which is self evident from the fact that as I sit here typing, she's laying next to me snoring her head off. Drat, just realised that's another thing we share that could have gone on yesterday's list.
So you can sleep tonight, I plumped for a bacon buttie.
Saturday, 19 May 2012
Dog breath, me?
Day 140 Saturday 19th May 4 miles : miles to date 922.3
Having blown the SMC out for the first time in living memory for a lay in bed and Saturday short run - I know, Saturday and short runs just don't go - I marvelled on tonights trot how my running companion of choice and I share so many attributes and similarities. These include the following;-
1. Short, hairy and slightly chubby legs
2. Identical running gait - feet don't move off the ground in what is known as the ultra shuffle
3. Bad breath
4. A touch or two of grey appearing around the edges
5. A love of woods
6. The ability to do a no.2 anywhere
7. Not needing toilet paper having done so
8. A 'lets just walk the hill' philosophy
9. A love of chasing birds...( Fi suggested that one honest)
10. An inability to see over the top of farmers crops
11. A willingness to eat any meat product available
12. An ability to sleep anywhere
13. Small feet (ahem, no jokes please)
14. A tendency to pong when a tad damp
15. Totally true trail hounds
The list could go on and on. Have I found my running companion for the future. Mmm, perhaps not. The problem is that I share so many of these things with... my Border Terrier, Daisy the blooming dog. Grrrrrrr. And we speak the same!!!
Having blown the SMC out for the first time in living memory for a lay in bed and Saturday short run - I know, Saturday and short runs just don't go - I marvelled on tonights trot how my running companion of choice and I share so many attributes and similarities. These include the following;-
1. Short, hairy and slightly chubby legs
2. Identical running gait - feet don't move off the ground in what is known as the ultra shuffle
3. Bad breath
4. A touch or two of grey appearing around the edges
5. A love of woods
6. The ability to do a no.2 anywhere
7. Not needing toilet paper having done so
8. A 'lets just walk the hill' philosophy
9. A love of chasing birds...( Fi suggested that one honest)
10. An inability to see over the top of farmers crops
11. A willingness to eat any meat product available
12. An ability to sleep anywhere
13. Small feet (ahem, no jokes please)
14. A tendency to pong when a tad damp
15. Totally true trail hounds
The list could go on and on. Have I found my running companion for the future. Mmm, perhaps not. The problem is that I share so many of these things with... my Border Terrier, Daisy the blooming dog. Grrrrrrr. And we speak the same!!!
Friday, 18 May 2012
Cup of tea anyone?
Day 139 Friday 18th May 3 miles : miles to date 918.3
It was a battle of the woods today. Having cheated on my favourite Clophill woods last night with Ashridge woods, I felt compelled to make amends with a run before work in my old pal. Like a naughty school boy, I went back with my tail between my legs, apologised and got back to my old trail. I'm sorry Cloppy, your still my besty mate I told it, but if you want to help me do this challenge, you have to let me run free. I ran my normal loop and no more, hugged a few trees and promised to return.
Now, Fi has just pointed out I must have spent the entire day in court, occasionally asking the odd arrow like question in cross examination (or not as the case may be), with my legs caked in mud under the pinstripe. Well, yes would be the answer to that one albeit it some dried off and dropped to the floor. There was quite a little mound of mud by the end of the day, which luckily the Judge or witness couldn't see. I did have a shower this morning, but that was around twenty minutes before my run. Yep, I know, but I needed one, didn't want to run around the village again before hand and I needed to see my old pal. I also wanted a cuppa char straight after the run. Mind you the char lady didn't half give me a funny look when I asked her to take a photo of me (I'm keeping a photo running log as well).
Right, I'm off for a bath.
It was a battle of the woods today. Having cheated on my favourite Clophill woods last night with Ashridge woods, I felt compelled to make amends with a run before work in my old pal. Like a naughty school boy, I went back with my tail between my legs, apologised and got back to my old trail. I'm sorry Cloppy, your still my besty mate I told it, but if you want to help me do this challenge, you have to let me run free. I ran my normal loop and no more, hugged a few trees and promised to return.
Now, Fi has just pointed out I must have spent the entire day in court, occasionally asking the odd arrow like question in cross examination (or not as the case may be), with my legs caked in mud under the pinstripe. Well, yes would be the answer to that one albeit it some dried off and dropped to the floor. There was quite a little mound of mud by the end of the day, which luckily the Judge or witness couldn't see. I did have a shower this morning, but that was around twenty minutes before my run. Yep, I know, but I needed one, didn't want to run around the village again before hand and I needed to see my old pal. I also wanted a cuppa char straight after the run. Mind you the char lady didn't half give me a funny look when I asked her to take a photo of me (I'm keeping a photo running log as well).
Right, I'm off for a bath.
Thursday, 17 May 2012
Day 138 Thursday 16th May 3.3 miles : miles to date 912.3
I have found a little slice of running heaven. Having moved office to Berkhamsted today, I took the first chance I could to check out the Ashridge Estate. I was like a kid in a sweet shop. I headed off down a main path and just ran past trail after trail. I found a route map in the woods showing 4, 7 and 17 mile loops. It was just fab and a real boost to the running plans. I feel like I have covered every trail there is in Beddiesfordland, which I probably have which is why I am having to go to another county to find new runs. Oh boy oh boy oh boy, I had best not stop there in the morning as I don't think I will make it into work. Even on the way back, I came across so many other new places to run which will keep me going for the rest of the year I hope. I'm almost looking forward to going to work, just to check out all those lovely trails that will wind to all sorts of new places I haven't been before. If I sound a tad excited, its because I honestly am!!
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Mean Streets
Day 137 Wednesday 15th May 3.2 miles : miles to date 909
Having left for work at 6.55am, I spent the entire day in a really dull court case, followed by a two hour meeting the moment and I got back and I then didn't get out of the office until after 9pm. I cant pretend that I was overly thrilled by the prospect of a three mile odd jaunt around the mean streets of Luton, but needs must. Where I often park, there are are two loos amounting to just over three miles. The trick is to always do the small loop first. If you do the longer loop when you are tired, its more tempting to stop. With the shorter loop, that tends not to happen simply because you haven't been running that long. It was not very scenic, a tad cold, dark and on the whole an unattractive route. Still, its done
Having left for work at 6.55am, I spent the entire day in a really dull court case, followed by a two hour meeting the moment and I got back and I then didn't get out of the office until after 9pm. I cant pretend that I was overly thrilled by the prospect of a three mile odd jaunt around the mean streets of Luton, but needs must. Where I often park, there are are two loos amounting to just over three miles. The trick is to always do the small loop first. If you do the longer loop when you are tired, its more tempting to stop. With the shorter loop, that tends not to happen simply because you haven't been running that long. It was not very scenic, a tad cold, dark and on the whole an unattractive route. Still, its done
Day 136 Tuesday 14th May 5.3 miles : miles to date 905.8
I re-enacted a classic scene from Grease tonight, following my wife turning up for the first time at the club's Tuesday night track session. Cast your mind back to the scene when Danny had to join the track club to try to impress Sandy when she was sitting on the sidelines, who had previously been chatted up by a jock (the athletic version and not my celtic cousins). Every time he ran in front of Sandy, he would put a bit of a sprint on until, out of sight, he would collapse and puff hard. Yep, that was me. Like a 14 year old boy trying to impress Gertrude, Skyline or Beaver (these are trendy girls names now aren't they?) in the school playground, I pranced around the track when I went past her holding my stomach in and trying to run that bit faster. And today was going to be a rest day, as I was coaching and only needed to do a slow three miles and not faster five. Mmm, I can see a bit of a benefit in Sandy, er I mean, Fi coming along to future track sessions if my male bravado makes me try to run a bit faster to impress her.
I re-enacted a classic scene from Grease tonight, following my wife turning up for the first time at the club's Tuesday night track session. Cast your mind back to the scene when Danny had to join the track club to try to impress Sandy when she was sitting on the sidelines, who had previously been chatted up by a jock (the athletic version and not my celtic cousins). Every time he ran in front of Sandy, he would put a bit of a sprint on until, out of sight, he would collapse and puff hard. Yep, that was me. Like a 14 year old boy trying to impress Gertrude, Skyline or Beaver (these are trendy girls names now aren't they?) in the school playground, I pranced around the track when I went past her holding my stomach in and trying to run that bit faster. And today was going to be a rest day, as I was coaching and only needed to do a slow three miles and not faster five. Mmm, I can see a bit of a benefit in Sandy, er I mean, Fi coming along to future track sessions if my male bravado makes me try to run a bit faster to impress her.
Monday, 14 May 2012
Day 135 Monday 13th May 3 miles : miles to date 900.5
If its a Monday, it must be three miles around the village on what is becoming a bit of a repetitive run. Still needs must, as I have to get short runs in for the next eleven days as I taper for the John Bunyan run. The drop in miles is going to hit my average weekly mile target. I am aiming for 2500 miles for the year, which means that today I should be at 922 miles, with an average of just over 48.07 miles per week. At just 22 miles off target, I am actually averaging very close to that each week since the start of January. I may well drop down to 21-25 odd this week, although that will go up to close to a 100 next week assuming I finish JB.
The JB is around 78-80 miles, assuming we don't get lost. One of my big running worries for the year is how am I going to manage to run 3 miles the day after JB. I know from the last two 100 plus milers I have done, that I could barely walk the next day let alone run and that is a concern for me. My hope, is that by limiting it to just three marathons in a row, I wont be as out on my feet as I have been for the others. In both those races, the real pain started when we were in the 70's and kicked in big style in the 80's, when we still had 20 plus miles to cover. That, lots of drinks, slow sections and a big fry up early Saturday morning.
Sunday, 13 May 2012
Day 134 Sunday 13th May 3 miles : miles to date 900.5
It was a tussle last night between a couple of bottles of vino and a pizza, against running in this mornings Stevington 12k which is quite local to me. Sense prevailed and the vino was consumed with some gusto and without any regrets. My pins are still quite heavy and I have to get some low level runs in, to recharge for the JB which is now less than two weeks away. So a bottle of red and a minimal run were Doctors orders today.
I did pop over to the race to see if any flyers were running, just in time to see Steven Upton in magnificent form storming home in first place, followed not long after by Warwick Browning and the ever present Becs Rebecca Fleckney. Great stuff and well done to all three. I did have a chat with Steven and his dad after the race. Naturally we talked about running, when he asked an absolutely blinding question. It went something along the lines of, " When you were my age......."
Whooaaahhh there tiger, lets just pull up right there shall we. How old did he think I was? Is this running every day malarkey causing premature ageing? Has 134 days of exposure to the great British weather turned me into a Harry Potter Dobbie look alike? The rest of that question is now just a blur. And to make matters worse, he's 38! I'm only 44!!!!! Luckily, I'm on the whole a mellow sort of soul and have the attitude that in a 100 years time, we will all be dead so best get on with living right now, even if I might be one step closer to the next age category in races. Quick, someone pass me the vino, I ain't got much time left....
Stevington 12k - photos of the AFF trio - 12th may 2012
Steve Upton on his way to first place
First place in the bag with the second runner nowhere in sight
Another great race for Warwick Browning
and the third of the Flyers trio, Bec Fleckney
Saturday, 12 May 2012
Ahhh haaa Greensands - in photos!!
Day 133 Saturday 12th May 11.3 miles : miles to date 897.5
Ah, the Greensand Ridge route again. It must be nearer to summer by now, as the thoughts turn to running the GR relay event at the end of June. This is a jewel in the crown of off road running events in Bedfordshire and Buckinghamshire, which is not that well known and intentionally low key. It is mainly a 34 mile odd relay event with six stages, limited to just thirty teams. Four years ago, me and Satnav Jones decided to run the while thing as the first solo runners. We were joined that day by a third chap who quizzed us on our marathon times, checking out the competition. Little did he know, all we wanted to do that day was finish it regardless of the time. I still recall him charging off into the distance straight from the start, when he could have ambled along, enjoyed the scenery, the route and the mickey taking that followed from the relay boys and girls.
We ran the race for the next two years, being joined once by the Flying Scotsman himself, gorgeous George Arbuckle and the next year by his fellow Highlander, the ultrateer Robbie Craig. Each of the runs were just great in their own way and some of my most memorable. Having done it though three years in a row, I decided to give it a miss last year, which was just as well as by then it had grown to 16 soloists with a few of the clubs faster lads running and a certain Mr. Huw Lobb, who turned up and smashed the course record by about two hours. It was truly amazing to see Huw take the course apart in the way that he did.
This year Ampthill and Flitwick Flyers are being finally and most ably represented by the fantastic female duo of Annie Page and Becs Fleckney. We would have had a third lady flyer in Niki Rouse, who unfortunately picked up an injury and can't run. Annie is very organised and has set up a training programme to make sure they don't get lost. Today was legs four and five and as we lined up, I said don't worry I know the route inside out, can run it blindfolded and backwards.
This is a pic of Becs, well into the run, but it's so good it has to go first!
We gathered at the handover between legs three and four, in sunshine for once albeit with a tad chill. Coming out of the parking area, it was a case of right turn Clyde up a hill. I resisted the temptation of telling the girls to walk, as we were only 42 seconds into the run, but in the race Ladies, WALK THE HILL!!
Not long after this photo, we came across the first checkpoint. Mmm, the girls said lets go this way. Mmm, no the ultraboy Owen said I've run this leg 46 times lets go this way. So, they all followed the girls. Annie pointed out I was trying to make us run the John Bunyan trail. Doohhh. Have I taken over from Satnav, no. For the moment.
Our leader and the original (No.2 will be back - sorry in-house nicknames)
That will be my foot then! Don't you just love drought conditions?
Ahh, a sneaky Jo trying to go for a run on a Saturday morning not expecting to see anyone...
Its the Holy Trinity...
Maulden Church which for any would be GR runner is I blessing in disguise - they have an outside water tap
Go Becs
Go Mike
Go the Silver Surfer - the man I am very glad to call my mate - Phil Clarke
Is that a hill? Mmm ok yes
Some slow Scottish bloke and hatman
See above
Now, I have no idea who that bloke is in front, but it seems to me that he looks like a really nice bloke, with a great sense of humour, one leg a tad smaller than the other, a tendency to run in circles, an attraction to male stalkers in flat caps and shades behind him and on the whole, the next greatest running sensation. If you are Welsh, 44 and living in Bedfordshire.
The almost non existence road section
Look carefully and there is a runner in pink
Yeah. Love this one!
The best photo of the day!
And the, it was over. For me it was a very welcome shorter run. Eleven miles at what is likely to be John Bunyan pace. Perfect. Annie, by her own admission, struggled a bit and the "Original Niki " did really well although I suspect probably she shouldn't have run as far as she did. Well, if ON reads this, she will know herself what she should have done. However, what she should have done and what she did, doesn't detract from the fact that the girl is back with the gang. Whoooo hoooo.
Right, time for a G&T me thinks?
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