Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Friday, 4 May 2012

Munro's grrrrrr

Day 125 Friday May the 4th be with you 3 miles : miles to date 814.9 I almost crashed the car coming home tonight. A lady on drive time mentioned a mountain in Scotland called Schiehallion which has a famous conical appearance only apparent from across Loch Rannoch . The very name brought me out in a cold sweat, I became dizzy and I was only able to maintain control of my hurtling motorised adult perambulator due to the smell of fish and chips next to me. I came across this munro on the Heart of Scotland 104 mile ultra two years ago, at around the 24 hour mark when the last thing I wanted to see was a huge mountain to climb with snow on the top at the end of May. It just went on and on and on. My two pals Robbie Craig and Richard Jones will no doubt have the same shivering feeling when they read this post. I have recovered due to the f&c, but it was a close run thing. In contrast to that race, I only did a swifter three miles today just before work. I partly wanted to test Calvin the calf and partly to get it in so I didn't have to do it tonight with the inevitable delay on the food front. Calvin hasn't cleared but I cant let satnav Jones do Saturdays 40 mile race on his own, as the poor lad will end up doing at least 46 miles. James Handley is raring to go as well and is as keen as mustard on what will be his inaugural ultra race. Don't worry, we will soon whip that out of him.

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