Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

One third of the way

 Day 122 Tuesday 1st May 3.2 miles : miles to date 803.6
Woooo hoooo. I cant quite believe that I have reached one third of the current year into this running streak lark. Without wishing to talk about me too much, which is a bit hard when these posts are about me running every day, I cant quite believe I have made it so far. I know this does not mean that I will make it for the rest, but it has made me pause for a moment and reflect on what I have achieved so far. This includes :- 1. I have got faster and picked up a new and recent marathon PB; 2. I have developed a reputation in my club of being fixated with No.2 stories; 3. This has helped to deflect the inevitable stereo typing of me as a Welsh man loving sheep in an unnatural way: 4. Me and Dolly have been allowed to get on with our lives peacefully and without persecution; 5. I have come third in a small ultra: 6. I have so far covered over 800 miles; 7. I have run with people who I am proudly (apologies for this one) able to say are my friends, and Richard; 8. I now know the meaning of life: I run, therefore I am; 9. My bulls*** meter has gone through the roof; 10. Even my beliefs in what is possible in running terms have expanded; 11. My literary skills, have gone, like er crap. Innit. 12. Most importantly, I have helped guide Fi into being a runner and not a jogger. Nothing at all wrong with the latter, but to be a runner you have to enter a whole new world of obsession and she has the potential of being my greatest ever creation. Ha ha harrrrr ( you have to read that in a Boris Karloff type way, with the Hammer House of Horrors type music in the background). As for the run, the calf strain persists, so it was a very gentle trot, before hooking up with the running club and mainly watching the session from the sidelines once my work had been done.

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