Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Saturday, 17 March 2012

Day 77 of the 366 days running challenge. 13.8 miles. Miles to date 498.6

A new route for the SMC today thanks entirely to Annie Page... who wasn't there. Due to family commitments I had to duck out at the 14 mile point and missed running the whole 22 miles with the crew. As a result of said family commitments and the remainder of the afternoon watching WALES WIN THE GRAND SLAM ( YYYEEEAAHHHH), today's run record is mostly a pictorial feast, so enjoy.

Meeting at Ridgmont Church

Serious athletes checking their time pieces

Do we have to start soon?

Mike " cute butt " Petty

Following a new trail which is  very rare

Mike and the allusive Jim Dodd's leading the crew

The ever potty quadzilla marathon beater Becs Fleckney and the Flying Scotsman, asking each other who won the most awards at last night's running awards 

The speed boys....at the back

Leaving Aspley Guise taking the trails over to Woburn Sands

Golf! Pah, a good trail gone bad

Running through the middle of Aspley Guise golf course.. right behind me 4 golfers were totally peeved at having to wait for us

There they are

The yellow peril Jason

Lorraine and Katie leaving the golf club... and finding a superb new trail out of and up from Woburn Sands below

The boys are working hard up the hill

still going..

Satnav and FS neck an neck

the yellow peril is actually running hard, honest

Go Quad, go quad, go quad

At the front heading towards Woburn House going for it

And some more...

Yeah, go for it..

And then they.... stopped !!

Out of nowhere the amazing Mr. Jenart (and in the background, the route to the house we ran straight down)

Into Woburn House grounds

The Pee stop!

Woburn House

YeaHHHHH. Ladies and Gentleman its only the Greensand's Ridge Trail. Please take a bow GRT

Ah, in the year of everything British, is there anything more quintessential?

The trail we followed 

Sandy trail up Greensands towards Ridgmont

Martin working hard up the hill

Claire pushing it even harder not far behind

Blimey, even the super ultra mile muncher Satnav Jones is going for it

The last shot of the trail before I dived out and went home! The rest powered onwards and upwards. Weird really, as its always me saying tara I'm off for more miles? 

Great new trail which is all down to Annie.


  1. Great pics once again. Glad you liked the new trail will try to get out on it myself in the next couple of days - it does look good.
    Congrats to everyone who went out today, especially those who enjoyed themselves at the AFF evening the night before!!

  2. Well done again Annie. You do need a copy of the map to make sure you are going in the right direction and there is a bit of road running at the start, but it is very well sign posted and a cert for another run on it, probably the other way around
