Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Monday, 19 March 2012

The wee groggy one

Day 79 of the 366 days running challenge. 3 miles. Miles to date 504.6

Well, I'm over 20% of the way to a full year of daily running, with run number 79 quite possibly being the hardest to date. I woke up with a wee groggy feeling and went through the day not being on top form. A very late meeting and a not so nice night, meant I fell out of the car without a great deal of enthusiasm for tonight's trot. In the past when I have felt the same, I have always got back from a run feeling happier that I did it and I told myself I would feel the same. I didn't want to make it even harder and go home first, so that meant another road side pull in, head torch on, i-pod blaring and recharged head torch showing me the way in the dark. 
 After a mile, the street lights stopped and it was just me and the dark on a quiet country road. The head torch made the grass sway in an odd way, which reminded me of the start of hallucinations I once had on a 36 hour straight run. On that occasion I had to cover over a 100 miles in very hilly and draining conditions, almost running through two consecutive nights. This time it only took me two miles, 18 mins and a slightly dodgy head torch to get the same effect. Mmm, I think I know which run was easier. And as predicated, I came off the run feeling much better and with more energy than when I started. Number 80, here I come.

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