Dark O'Clock X-C

Dark O'Clock X-C
Early morning cross country run from Flitwick to Luton

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

The crown Jewels run

Day 73 of the 366 days running challenge. 12.1 miles. Miles to date 466.9 Mmmm, things that can happen on a planned eight mile run;- 1. Think you can run like Seb Coe in the first two miles 2. Realise your running more like Charlie Chaplain in the next two miles 3. Feel your groin strain due to the Chaplain developed running gait 4. Decide to cut your run short 5. Miss the turning on a new route and go in the wrong direction and add extra miles 6. Run four more miles than planned at the start 7. Find new great cross country trails on your own 8. Get lost on the new great trails on your own 9. Find a large metal bull in the middle of an isolated copse of woods 10. Enjoy the new trail so much, ignore the injury and run even more 11. When eye of the tiger comes on the i-pod, pretend your Balboa and start chanting Rocky, Rocky, Pablo, Pablo in the middle of no where 12. Spend the entire evening with a hot water bottle water keeping the crown jewels in working order Another great run, despite the niggle with the groin. As I wasn't actually planning a 12 miler or the route I went on in the end, it was nice just to get out, have a wander over the fields and get as far as I did without really meaning to. Happy days.

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